FMCG Income Opportunity the best for all 2024

Do you want to earn Continuous Passive Income of ₹50,000 per month even when you are sleeping? Here is an FMCG Income Opportunity which undoubtedly is the best for everybody in India.

FMCG Income Opportunity Best for Everybody

Only 2 things to do:

  1. Purchase daily-use (FMCG) products that you and your family already use every day. These are products such as toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, detergent, dish and utensils washing soaps, house cleaning products, cosmetics and beauty products, vitamins and nutritional products, etc. When you purchase these products from shops and other sources you are actually making other non-skilled people rich by giving them your and your family’s hard-earned money. So, who are those people? They are shopkeepers, retailers, distributors, wholesalers, stockists, brokers, etc. They are nothing more than middle-men who do not add any value to the product you are purchasing. Rather, they make a profit from your purchase. When you purchase these same products directly from the manufacturer you either save money (self-use) or you can also earn a 20% retail profit by selling these products to your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc.
  2. Recruit people like yourself. These should be people who will also purchase products every month and who will also recruit people like you. There is no restriction on the number of people you or they can recruit.

FMCG Income Opportunity with the No.1 Company in the world

So, are you willing to earn continuous passive income of ₹50,000 and more per month for the rest of your life?

If you are willing, we can give you the opportunity to join with us in this FMCG Income Opportunity as a Distributor of a highly prestigious, renowned global multi-national organization that is properly registered with the Government of India’s statutory bodies, that has received numerous patents and awards. This company has a global turnover of more than ₹56,000 crores, and is the No.1 company in the global direct selling map. It started operations in India in 1998 and the turnover in India is more than ₹2,000 crores.

It is most important to note that there are no joining fees, no investments and no targets. There are only 2 fundamental rules that you have to comply with to maintain your Distributor status:

  1. You must purchase a minimum of ₹1,500 worth of products within 30 days of joining. Of course, you can purchase more if you want. This is a one-time requirement only at the time of joining.
  2. You must purchase a minimum of ₹10,000 worth of products each year (that is less than One Thousand per month). You can purchase more if you want.

Recruitment is the key to success in any business

In essence, the FMCG Income Opportunity from this company is unlimited, dependent on the number of people you recruit. You can recruit distributors and customers anywhere in India. You don’t need to service them. The company takes care of their orders and all services.

We have found that you need only 3 dedicated working persons to earn ₹ 1 lakh per month within 2 years. But, there are no restrictions and you can continue to recruit as many as you want. In effect, the more people you have the more will be your Continuous Passive Income.  

Yes, there are certain things to learn, like how to use the website and the app for registration of new recruits, place product purchase orders for self and team, keep track of your personal and team performances, etc., but these are very simple matters because both the website and app are very simple and intuitive. In short, you can build teams all over India using only your mobile phone or laptop.

FMCG Income Opportunity: How much can you earn?

Typically, people who continue to do the 2 things mentioned above, i.e. self-purchasing and recruiting, earn more than ₹1 Lakh per month within 2 years of joining. Of course, the income grows gradually from a few rupees in the first month to hundreds, then thousands, and then lakhs. If you can reach ₹1 lakh within 2 years, then there is no doubt that your teams will continue to grow. In the same way, you will continue to earn more and more without doing any more active work except your monthly purchase.

There are thousands of people in India who are already earning ₹1 lakh per month and there are some who are earning more than ₹1 crore per year.

The automatic promotion levels, based on business volumes are:

  • 3-12%. Earnings approximately ₹50 – ₹15,000 per month.
  • Bronze. Earnings approximately ₹20,000 per month.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Platinum. Earnings approximately ₹60,000 per month, around ₹7.2 lakhs per year.
  • Sapphire.
  • Emerald. Earnings approximately ₹1 lakh per month, around ₹12 lakhs per year.
  • Diamond.
  • Executive Diamond. Earnings approximately ₹9 lakhs per month, more than ₹1 crore per year.
  • Double Diamond.
  • Triple Diamond.
  • Crown Direct.
  • Crown Ambassador.

So, if you are interested to learn more about this FMCG Income Opportunity, please fill up and submit the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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